Anchor and chain (Chain should be equal to boat length)YesNo Anchor rope YesNo Bailer YesNo Bilge Pump YesNo Boat Hook YesNo Compass YesNo First Aid Kid YesNo Knife YesNo Navigation Lights YesNo Oars YesNo Torch YesNo EPIRB YesNo Fire Extinguisher, in Test YesNo Flags(Dive Boats must carry Dive Flags) YesNo Life Jackets YesNo Boat name on both sides YesNo Boat name on trailer YesNo Radio VHF YesNo Photo of boat in Club Register YesNo Flares (in Test) 1 / Parachute and 2 / Hand held and 2 / Smoke YesNo Cellphone YesNo
In entering into fishing and or diving competitions, the contests will involve the launching and retrieval of your boat, the navigation of your boat through the river and moored boats. You will then be involved in coastal fishing and or diving.
We are required to advise you that there is a degree of risk involved in these activities. Underwater obstructions may be present i.e. rocks or drift wood. If you do not exercise sufficient care your boat may be damaged and / or sunk. Fishing and or diving in coastal waters also contains potential dangers. By entering into competitions we advise that you should be aware of the potential difficulties and / or dangers faced in this competition by you and your crew. You should familiarise yourself with the area and take whatever steps a prudent skipper and crew should consider necessary in their circumstances. You are also warranting that you have the necessary experience and skill to handle your boat and crew in these conditions.
The Mokau Fishing Club advises you that it is not liable to you and / or your family and / or members of your crew or to any other person in regards to any event, and that you are relying upon your own skill and judgement and not upon any warranty and / or promise given by The Mokau Fishing Club. You and your crew indemnify The Mokau Fishing Club for any loss damage and / or liability suffered by The Mokau Fishing Club relating to anything done or not done by you or to any mishap suffered by you in regards to any event.
As a skipper/boat owner it is my responsibly that I am carrying on board my boat the necessary safety equipment and communications gear.
“I agree” I have read and agree to the terms
Your Full Name
Todays date
Are you the Skipper or Boat owner? SkipperBoat owner
Boat Name
Boat Make
Hull Length
Skipper/Boat owner phone number
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Trailer Registration
VHF Call Sign
Your email